Safety Tips for Seniors on Social Media

Senior man browsing social media on his smartphone

It seems obvious not to post your social security number on social media. But apparently not everyone thinks it’s so risky. According to a report on scam victims by the AARP, 10 percent of victims posted their social security numbers on social media before they got scammed. Everyone on the internet is a target for…

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Primary Care Coming to PASSi

Personal healthcare for senior citizens at PASSi

We’re Expanding Our Services So Everyone Can Access Quality Primary Care PASSi has partnered with the Cigna Foundation to create the PASSi Primary Care program. The new program will add primary care to the services PASSi already offers like homecare, adult day care, and benefits assistance. This is all part of our mission to help…

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How Seniors Can Stay Safe Online

Senior man using his computer

One in ten U.S. adults is a victim of fraud each year. That estimate is probably lower than the actual number. For each case that victims report to authorities, another 10 to 44 cases are not reported. Seniors are even more susceptible to fraud than the average person. According to the FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint…

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How to Get Paid for Caring for Family Members

Penn Asian Senior Services

According to the AARP, more than 1 in 5 people in the country are caregivers today. That is more than 50 million caregivers, and the number has been rising steadily since at least 2015. Mostly, those caregivers are taking care of friends and family. PHI, a research group that focuses on caregiving, estimates that family…

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