PACE Center
Helping the Community Access Benefits
Penn Asian Senior Services’ PACE center is committed to helping seniors access the state pharmaceutical benefits. We also assist them in receiving 18 other benefits including those that cover food, housing, and utilities.

Benefits Assistance
Our Benefits Coordinators assist seniors with limited incomes in obtaining all of the state and federal benefits they are eligible to receive, including:
PACE – Pharmaceutical Assistance Contract for the Elderly
Property Tax and Rental Rebate
Utility Assistance
SNAP (Food Stamps)
*Eligibility limits may apply.
Assisting You in Your Language
Our goal is to help as many seniors as possible regardless of their language and culture. Our Benefits Coordinators are able to assist you in Korean, Vietnamese, Chinese, and English.
Enroll in Benefits Today
To learn more about what benefits you may be eligible for, and to receive assistance applying for benefits, contact us today. Our Benefits Coordinators are ready to assist you.